Mission & vision

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Our Strategic Programmes includes but not limited to the following:

1. Organisation and Centre Development: Our main motto is to develop this organization so much so that it can caret almost all the needs of the communities related with this centre.

2. Information advice & guidance
Our information, advice & guidance [IAG] service delivers a comprehensive package of support to some of the most vulnerable and isolated members of the communities we serve. Even with the limited capacity currently available to us we provide IAG support to an average of 500 clients per annum and on a wide range of issues, including; welfare rights, debt management, benefits advice, advocacy, i.e. handling officialdom, translating documents/forms, Immigration law, etc.

3. Youth Services
Through our youth development programme we will be providing a coherent package of interventions which work together to deliver a ‘joined-up’ network of support for our young people – bringing together enhancements to their attainment in formal education, enhanced social responsibility and citizenship, and the promotion of positive outlooks, personal development and motivation.

4. Skills & Employment
BIC’s skills and employment services provide formal and informal learning sessions, personal development opportunities and sports activities in order to assist young peoples’ transition to adulthood and integration into wider society. We work to raise aspirations and support young people to develop the skills that will be useful to them in later life.

5. Women’s Development
We support local women with training, social activities, skills development and much more – all within a welcoming all female environment. These activities break the cycle of isolation and promote social inclusion for many women.

6. Education & life-long Learning
Our Education & Lifelong Learning programme responds to the learning support needs of our young and adult communities alike and underpins and is inextricably linked to our Youth Services, Skills & Employment and Women’s Development programmes. With the clear aim of achieving better educational attainment and increasing the self-esteem of children, BIC has provided services to assist children and their parents to improve their lifelong learning prospects. We have incorporated education in all fields of our centre’s work and are working towards integrating a learning ethic in the local community. Our delivery in this area is built around the importance of a good education in realising ambitions.

7. Community Cohesion & Citizenship
We aim to continue to build upon our strong track record of meeting the needs of any community that need our support and this is reflected, not least in our policy of ensuring our staff team and volunteers are drawn from a range of BME communities


The overriding vision of the Bangladeshi Islamic Centre is to be the most inclusive and successful community and voluntary sector organisation in Sandwell. Underpinning this high level aspirational vision is our total commitment to improving the quality of life for all local residents of NSW and throughout the country.